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Friday, January 4, 2008

Java Help, Java Tutorials, Java Programming, Java Tricks

Lesson One

Java Programming

What Is Java?

Java's Past, Present, and Future

Why Learn Java?

Java Is Platform Independent

Java Is Object Oriented

Java Is Easy to Learn

Getting Started Programming in Java

Getting a Java Development Environment

Installing the JDK and Sample Files

Configuring the JDK

Creating a Java Application

Creating a Java Applet




What exactly Java is, and its current status

Why you should learn Java-its various features and advantages over other
programming languages Getting started programming in Java-what you'll need in
terms of software and background, as well as some basic terminology

How to create your first Java programs-to close this day, you'll create both a
simple Java application and a simple Java applet!

What Is Java?

Based on the enormous amount of press Java is getting and the amount of
excitement it has generated, you may get the impression that Java will save the
world-or at least solve all the problems of the Internet.

Not so. Java's hype has run far ahead of its capabilities, and while Java is
indeed new and interesting, it really is another programming language with which
you write programs that run on the Internet. In this respect, Java is closer to
popular programming languages such as C, C++, Visual Basic, or Pascal, than it
is to a page description language such as HTML, or a very simple scripting
language such as JavaScript.

More specifically, Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by
Sun Microsystems, a company best known for its high-end UNIX workstations.
Modeled after C++, the Java language was designed to be small, simple, and
portable across platforms and operating systems, both at the source and at the
binary level, which means that Java programs (applets and applications) can run
on any machine that has the Java virtual machine installed (you'll learn more
about this later).

Java is usually mentioned in the context of the World Wide Web, where browsers
such as Netscape's Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer claim to be "Java
enabled." Java enabled means that the browser in question can download and play
Java programs, called applets, on the reader's system. Applets appear in a Web
page much the same way as images do, but unlike images, applets are dynamic and
interactive. Applets can be used to create animation, figures, forms that
immediately respond to inputfrom the reader, games, or other interactive effects
on the same Web pages among the text and graphics.

Figure 1.1 shows an applet running in Netscape 3.0. (This applet, at http://prominence.com/java/poetry/,
is an electronic version of the refrigerator magnets

that you can move around to create poetry or messages.)

New Term

Applets are programs that are downloaded from the World Wide Web by a Web
browser and run inside an HTML Web page. You'll need a Java-enabled browser such
as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft's

Internet Explorer to run applets.

To create an applet, you write it in the Java language, compile it using a Java
compiler, and refer to that applet in your HTML Web pages. You put the resulting
HTML and Java files on a Web site in the same

way that you make ordinary HTML and image files available. Then, when someone
using a Java-enabled browser views your page with the embedded applet, that
browser downloads the applet to the local system and executes it, allowing your
reader to view and interact with your applet in all its glory. (Readers using
other browsers may see text, a static graphic, or nothing.) You'll learn more
about how applets, browsers, and the World Wide Web work together later in this

While applets are probably the most popular use of Java, the important thing to
understand about Java s that you can do so much more with it than create and use
applets. Java was written as a full-fledged general-purpose programming language
in which you can accomplish the same sorts of tasks and solve the same sorts of
problems that you can in other programming languages, such as C or C++.

Java's Past, Present, and Future

The Java language was developed at Sun Microsystems in 1991 as part of a
research project to develop software for consumer electronics devices-television
sets, VCRs, toasters, and the other sorts of machines

you can buy at any department store. Java's goals at that time were to be small,
fast, efficient, and easily portable to a wide range of hardware devices. Those
same goals made Java an ideal language for

distributing executable programs via the World Wide Web and also a
general-purpose programming language for developing programs that are easily
usable and portable across different platforms.

The Java language was used in several projects within Sun (under the name Oak),
but did not get very much commercial attention until it was paired with HotJava.
HotJava, an experimental World Wide Web

browser, was written in 1994 in a matter of months, both as a vehicle for
downloading and running applets and also as an example of the sort of complex
application that can be written in Java. Although HotJava got a lot of attention
in the Web community, it wasn't until Netscape incorporated HotJava's

ability to play applets into its own browser that Java really took off and
started to generate the excitement that it has both on and off the World Wide
Web. Java has generated so much excitement, in fact, that

inside Sun the Java group spun off into its own subsidiary called JavaSoft.

Versions of Java itself, or, as it's most commonly called, the Java API,
correspond to versions of Sun's Java Developer's Kit, or JDK. As of this
writing, the current version of the JDK is 1.0.2. Previously

released versions of the JDK (alphas and betas) did not have all the features or
had a number of security-related bugs. Most Java tools and browsers conform to
the features in the 1.0.2 JDK, and all the

examples in this book run on that version as well.

The next major release of the JDK and therefore of the Java API will be 1.1,
with a prerelease version available sometime in the later part of 1996. This
release will have few changes to the language, but a

number of additional capabilities and features added to the class library.
Throughout this book, if a feature will change or will be enhanced in 1.1, we'll
let you know, and in the last two days of this book

you'll find out more about new Java features for 1.1 and for the future.

Currently, to program in Java, you'll need a Java development environment of
some sort for your platform. Sun's JDK works just fine for this purpose and
includes tools for compiling and testing Java

applets and applications. In addition, a wide variety of excellent Java
development environments have been developed, including Sun's own Java Workshop,
Symantec's Café, Microsoft's Visual J++ (which is

indeed a Java tool, despite its name), and Natural Intelligence's Roaster, with
more development tools appearing all the time.

To run and view Java applets, you'll need a Java-enabled browser or other tool.
As mentioned before, recent versions of Netscape Navigator (2.0 and higher) and
Internet Explorer (3.0) can both run Java

applets. (Note that for Windows you'll need the 32-bit version of Netscape, and
for Macintosh you'll need Netscape 3.0.) You can also use Sun's own HotJava
browser to view applets, as long as you have the 1.0

prebeta version (older versions are not compatible with newer applets, and vice
versa). Even if you don't have a Java-enabled browser, many development tools
provide simple viewers with which you can run

your applets. The JDK comes with one of these; it's called the appletviewer.


If you're running Windows 3.x as your main system, very few toolsexist for you
to be able to work with Java. As I write this, the only

Java tool available for writing and running Java applets is a version ofthe JDK
from IBM called the ADK. You can write applets using this

tool, and view them using the applet viewer that comes with thatpackage (neither
Netscape nor Internet Explorer will run Java applets

on Windows 3.1). See http://www.alphaWorks.ibm.com/ for more information.

What's in store for Java in the future? A number of new developments have been
brewing (pardon the


Sun is developing a number of new features for the Java environment, including a
number of new class libraries for database integration, multimedia, electronic
commerce, and other uses. Sun also

has a Java-based Web server, a Java-based hardware chip (with which you can
write Java-specific systems), and a Java-based operating system. You'll learn
about all these things later in this book.

The 1.1 release of the JDK will include many of these features; others will be
released as separate


Sun is also developing a framework called Java Beans, which will allow the
development of component objects in Java, similarly to Microsoft's ActiveX (OLE)
tech-nology. These different

components can then be easily combined and interact with each other using
standard component assembly tools. You'll learn more about Java Beans later in
this book.

Java capabilities will be incorporated into a wide variety of operating systems,
including Solaris, Windows 95, and MacOS. This means that Java applications (as
opposed to applets) can run nearly

anywhere without needing additional software to be installed.

Many companies are working on performance enhancements for Java programs,
including the aforementioned Java chip and what are called just-in-time

Why Learn Java?

At the moment, probably the most compelling reason to learn Java-and probably
the reason you bought this book-is that applets are written in Java. Even if
that were not the case, Java as a programming

language has significant advantages over other languages and other environments
that make it suitable for just about any programming task. This section
describes some of those advantages.

Java Is Platform Independent Platform independence-that is, the ability of a
program to move easily from one computer system to

another-is one of the most significant advantages that Java has over other
programming languages, particularly if your software needs to run on many
different platforms. If you're writing software for the

World Wide Web, being able to run the same program on many different systems is
crucial to that program's success. Java is platform independent at both the
source and the binary level.

New Term

Platform independence means that a program can run on anycomputer system. Java
programs can run on any system for which a Java virtual machine has been

At the source level, Java's primitive data types have consistent sizes across
all development platforms. Java's foundation class libraries make it easy to
write code that can be moved from platform to platform

without the need to rewrite it to work with that platform. When you write a
program in Java, you don't need to rely on features of that particular operating
system to accomplish basic tasks. Platform

independence at the source level means that you can move Java source files from
system to system and have them compile and run cleanly on any system.

Platform independence in Java doesn't stop at the source level, however. Java
compiled binary files are also platform independent and can run on multiple
platforms (if they have a Java virtual machine

available) without the need to recompile the source.

Normally, when you compile a program written in C or in most other languages,
the compiler translates your program into machine code or processor
instructions. Those instructions are specific to the

processor your computer is running-so, for example, if you compile your code on
an Intel-based system,the resulting program will run only on other Intel-based
systems. If you want to use the same program on

another system, you have to go back to your original source code, get a compiler
for that system, and recompile your code so that you have a program specific to
that system. Figure 1.2 shows the result of

this system: multiple executable programs for multiple systems.

Things are different when you write code in Java. The Java development
environment actually has two parts: a Java compiler and a Java interpreter. The
Java compiler takes your Java program and, instead of

generating machine codes from your source files, it generates bytecodes.
Bytecodes are instructions that look a lot like machine code, but are not
specific to any one processor.

To execute a Java program, you run a program called a bytecode interpreter,
which in turn reads the bytecodes and executes your Java program (see Figure
1.3). The Java bytecode interpreter is often also

called the Java virtual machine or the Java runtime.

New Term

Java bytecodes are a special set of machine instructions that are notspecific to
any one processor or computer system. A platform-specific bytecode interpreter
executes the Java bytecodes. The bytecodeinterpreter is also called the Java
virtual machine or the Java runtime


Where do you get the bytecode interpreter? For applets, the bytecode interpreter
is built into every Java-enabled browser, so you don't have to worry about
it-Java applets just automatically run. For more

general Java applications, you'll need to have the interpreter installed on your
system in order to run that Java program. Right now, you can get the Java
interpreter as part of your development environment, or if

you buy a Java program, you'll get it with that package. In the future, however,
the Java bytecode interpreter will most likely come with every new operating
system-buy a Windows machine, and you'll

get Java for free.

Why go through all the trouble of adding this extra layer of the bytecode
interpreter? Having your Java programs in bytecode form means that instead of
being specific to any one system, your programs can be

run on any platform and any operating or window system as long as the Java
interpreter is available. This capability of a single binary file to be
executable across platforms is crucial to what makes applets work

because the World Wide Web itself is also platform independent. Just as HTML
files can be read on any platform, so can applets be executed on any platform
that has a Java-enabled browser.

The disadvantage of using bytecodes is in execution speed. Because
system-specific programs run directly on the hardware for which they are
compiled, they run significantly faster than Java bytecodes,

which must be processed by the interpreter. For many basic Java programs, speed
may not be an issue. If you write programs that require more execution speed
than the Java interpreter can provide, you have

several solutions available to you, including being able to link native code
into your Java program or using special tools (called just-in-time compilers) to
convert your Java bytecodes into native code and

speed up their execution. Note that by using any of these solutions, you lose
the portability that Java bytecodes provide. You'll learn about each of these
mechanisms on Day 20, "Using Native Methods and


Java Is Object Oriented

To some, the object-oriented programming (OOP) technique is merely a way of
organizing programs, and it can be accomplished using any language. Working with
a real object-oriented language and

programming environment, however, enables you to take full advantage of
object-oriented methodology and its capabilities for creating flexible, modular
programs and reusing code.

Many of Java's object-oriented concepts are inherited from C++, the language on
which it is based, but it borrows many concepts from other object-oriented
languages as well. Like most object-oriented

programming languages, Java includes a set of class libraries that provide basic
data types, system input and output capabilities, and other utility functions.
These basic libraries are part of the standard Java

environment, which also includes simple libraries, form networking, common
Internet protocols, and user interface toolkit functions. Because these class
libraries are written in Java, they are portable across

platforms as all Java applications are.

You'll learn more about object-oriented programming and Java tomorrow.

Java Is Easy to Learn

In addition to its portability and object orientation, one of Java's initial
design goals was to be small and simple, and therefore easier to write, easier
to compile, easier to debug, and, best of all, easy to learn.

Keeping the language small also makes it more robust because there are fewer
chances for programmers to make mistakes that are difficult to fix. Despite its
size and simple design, however, Java still has a

great deal of power and flexibility.

Java is modeled after C and C++, and much of the syntax and object-oriented
structure is borrowed from the latter. If you are familiar with C++, learning
Java will be particularly easy for you because you have

most of the foundation already. (In fact, you may find yourself skipping through
the first week of this book fairly rapidly. Go ahead; I won't mind.)Although
Java looks similar to C and C++, most of the more complex parts of those
languages have been

excluded from Java, making the language simpler without sacrificing much of its
power. There are no pointers in Java, nor is there pointer arithmetic. Strings
and arrays are real objects in Java. Memory

management is automatic. To an experienced programmer, these omissions may be
difficult to get used to, but to beginners or programmers who have worked in
other languages, they make the Java language

far easier to learn.

However, while Java's design makes it easier to learn than other programming
languages, working with a programming language is still a great deal more
complicated than, say, working in HTML. If you have

no programming language background at all, you may find Java difficult to
understand and to grasp. But don't be discouraged! Learning programming is a
valuable skill for the Web and for computers in

general, and Java is a terrific language to start out with.

Getting Started Programming in JavaEnough background! For the second half of
this day let's actually dive into simple Java programming and

create two Java programs: a standalone Java application and an applet that you
can view in a Java-enabled browser. Although both these programs are extremely
simple, they will give you an idea of

what a Java program looks like and how to compile and run it.

Getting a Java Development Environment In order to write Java programs, you
will, of course, need a Java development environment. (Although

browsers such as Netscape allow you to play Java applets, they don't let you
write them. For that you'll need a separate tool.) Sun's JDK, which is available
for downloading at the JavaSoft Web site

(http://www.javasoft.com/) and included on the CD for this book, will do just
fine. It runs on Solaris, Windows 95 and NT, and Macintosh. However, despite the
JDK's popularity, it is not the easiest

development tool to use. If you're used to using a graphical user
interface-based development tool with an integrated editor and debugger, you'll
most likely find the JDK's command-line interfaces rather

primitive. Fortunately, the JDK is not the only tool in town.

As mentioned earlier, a number of third-party development environments (called
integrated development environments, or IDEs) are also available for developing
in Java. These include Sun's Java Workshop for

Solaris, Windows NT and Windows 95 (you can get more information about it athttp://www.sun.com/developer-products/java/);
Symantec's Café for Windows 95,

Windows NT, and Macintosh (http://cafe.symantec.com/); Microsoft's Visual J++
forWindows 95 and Windows NT (http://www.microsoft.com/visualj/); and Natural

Intelligence's Roaster(http://www.natural.com/pages/products/roaster/index.html).
All three are

commercial programs, but you might be able to download trial or limited versions
of these programs to

try them out. You'll learn more about the features and capabilities of the
various Java IDEs on Day 22,

"Java Programming Tools."


I find the graphical development environments far easier to use than

the standard JDK. If you have the money and the time to invest in one

of these tools, I highly recommend you do so. It'll make your Java

development experience much more pleasant.

Installing the JDK and Sample Files

Sun's JDK for Solaris, Windows, and Macintosh is included as part of the CD-ROM
that comes with this

book. Also on the CD-ROM are all of the code examples from this book-a great
help if you don't want to

type them all in again. To install either the JDK or the sample files (or both),
use one of the following



If you don't have access to a CD-ROM drive, you can also get accessto these
files over the World Wide Web. You can download the JDK

itself from http://java.sun.com/products/JDK/1.0.2/and install it per the
instructions on those pages. The sample files

from this book are available on the Web site for this book:http://www.lne.com/Web/JavaProf/.

If you download the JDK and source files, as opposed to getting themoff the
CD-ROM, make sure you read the section "Configuring the

JDK" to make sure everything is set up right.Windows Sun's JDK runs on Windows
95 and Windows NT. It does not run on

Windows 3.x.

To install the JDK or the sample files on Windows, run the Setup program on the

(double-clicking the CD icon will do this automatically). By default, the
package will be installed into

C:\Java; you can install it anywhere on your hard disk that you'd like. You'll
be given options to install

the JDK, the sample files, and various other extra files; choose the options you
want and those files will

be installed.

If you've installed the JDK, note that in the directory JDK\lib there is a file
called classes.zip. Do

not unzip this file; it needs to remain in zip form for it to work correctly.
The file JDK\src.zip

contains the source code for many of the JDK libraries; you can unzip this one
if you like. Make sure if

you do that you have a zip program that supports long filenames, or it will not
work correctly!


Sun's JDK for Macintosh runs on System 7 (MacOS) for 68KB or

Power Mac.

To install the JDK or the sample files on the Macintosh, double-click the
installation program on the

CD-ROM. By default, the package will be installed into the folder Java on your
hard disk; you can

install it anywhere on your disk that you'd like. You'll be given options to
install the JDK, the sample

files, and various other extra files; choose the options you want and those
files will be installed.


Sun's JDK for Solaris runs on Solaris 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5, as well as the

x86 version of Solaris.

The CD-ROM for this book contains the tarred and zipped JDK in the directory

jdk/solaris/jdk1.02.tgz. Using the utilities gunzip and tar, you can extract the
contents of

that file anywhere on the file system you would like. For example, if you copy
the .tgz file to your

home directory and use the following commands to extract it, you'll end up with
a java directory that

contains the full JDK:

gunzip ./jdk1.02.tgz

tar xvf ./jdk1.02.tar

Note that in the directory java\lib there is a file called classes.zip. Do not
unzip this file; it

needs to remain in zip form for it to work correctly. The file java\src.zip
contains the source code

for many of the JDK libraries; you can unzip this one if you're interested in
the source code.

The sample files are also contained on the CD-ROM in authors/authors.tar. Create
a directory

where the sample files will live (for example, a directory called javasamples in
your home directory),

copy the authors.tar file there, and then use the tar command to extract it,
like this:

mkdir ~/javasamples

cp /cdrom/authors/authors.tar

tar xvf authors.tar

Configuring the JDK

If you've installed the JDK using the setup programs from the CD-ROM, chances
are good that it has

been correctly configured for you. However, because most common problems with
Java result from

configuration errors, I recommend that you double-check your configuration to
make sure everything is

right. And if you've installed the JDK from a source other than the CD-ROM,
you'll definitely want to

read this section to make sure you're all set up.


The JDK needs two important modifications to yourautoexec.bat file in order to
work correctly: The JDK\bin

directory must be in your execution path, and you must have the CLASSPATH
variable set up.

Edit your autoexec.bat file using your favorite editor (Notepad will do just
fine). Look for a line

that looks something like this:


Somewhere in that line you should see an entry for the JDK; if you installed the
JDK from CD-ROM, it'll

look something like this (the dots are there to indicate that there may be other
stuff on this line):


If you cannot find any reference to JDK\BIN or JAVA\BIN in your PATH, you'll
need to add it. Simply

include the full pathname to your JDK installation to the end of that line,
starting with C: and ending

with BIN; for example, C:\JAVA\BIN or C:\Java\JDK\BIN.


The directories Teach Yourself Java and TEAchY~1 are

actually the same thing; the former is how the directory appears in

Windows 95, and the latter is how it appears in DOS. Either one will

work fine; there's no need to change it if one or the other appears.

Note, however, that if the pathname contains spaces, it must be in


The second thing you'll need to add to the autoexec.bat file (if it isn't
already there) is a

CLASSPATH variable. Look for a line that looks something like this:

SET CLASSPATH=C:\TEAchY~1\JDK\lib\classes.zip;.;The CLASSPATH variable may also
have other entries in it for Netscape or Internet Explorer, but the one

you're most interested in is a reference to the classes.zip file in the JDK, and
to the current

directory (.). If your autoexec.bat file does not include either of these
locations, add a line to the

file that contains both these things (the line shown above will work just fine).

After saving your autoexec.bat file, you'll need to restart Windows for the
changes to take effect.


The JDK for Macintosh should need no further configuration after



To configure the JDK for Solaris, all you need to do is add the

java/bin or jdk/bin directory to your execution path. Usually a

line something like this in your .cshrc, .login, or .profile

files will work:

set path= (~/java/bin/ $path)

This line assumes that you've installed the JDK (as the directory java) into
your home directory; if

you've installed it somewhere else, you'll want to substitute that pathname.

Make sure you use the source command with the name of the appropriate file to
make sure the changes

take effect (or log out and log back in again):

source ~/.login

Creating a Java Application

Now let's actually get to work. We'll start by creating a simple Java
application: the classic Hello World

example that many programming language books use to begin.

Java applications are different from Java applets. Applets, as you have learned,
are Java programs that

are downloaded over the World Wide Web and executed by a Web browser on the
reader's machine.

Applets depend on a Java-enabled browser in order to run.

New Term

Java applications, however, are more general programs written in the

Java language. Java applications don't require a browser to run; in

fact, Java can be used to create all the kinds of applications that you

would normally use a more conventional programming language tocreate.

Java applications are standalone Java programs that do not require a Web browser
to run. Java

applications are more general-purpose programs such as you'd find on any

A single Java program can be an applet or an application, or both, depending on
how you write that

program and the capabilities that program uses. Throughout this first week as
you learn the Java

language, you'll be writing mostly applications; then you'll apply what you've
learned to write applets in

Week 2. If you're eager to get started with applets, be patient. Everything that
you learn while you're

creating simple Java applications will apply to creating applets, and it's
easier to start with the basics

before moving onto the hard stuff. You'll be creating plenty of applets in Week
2.Creating the Source File

As with all programming languages, your Java source files are created in a plain
text editor, or in an

editor that can save files in plain ASCII without any formatting characters. On
UNIX, emacs, pico,

and vi will work; on Windows, Notepad or DOS Edit are both text editors that
will work (although I

prefer to use the shareware TextPad). On the Macintosh, SimpleText (which came
with your Mac) or the

shareware BBedit will work. If you're using a development environment like Café
or Roaster, it'll have

its own built-in text editor you can use.


If you're using Windows to do your Java development, you may have

to make sure Windows understands the .java file extension before

you start; otherwise, your text editor may insist on giving all your

files a .txt extension. The easiest way to do this is to go to any

Windows Explorer window, choose View|Options|File Types, choose

New Type, and add Java Source File and .java to the

Description of Type and Associated Extension boxes, respectively.

Fire up your editor of choice and enter the Java program shown in Listing 1.1.
Type this program, as

shown, in your text editor. Be careful that all the parentheses, braces, and
quotes are there, and that

you've used all the correct upper- and lowercase letters.


You can also find the code for these examples on the CD-ROM as

part of the sample code. However, it's a good idea to actually type

these first few short examples in so that you get a feel for what Java

code actually looks like.

Listing 1.1. Your first Java application.

1: class HelloWorld {

2: public static void main (String args[]) {

3: System.out.println("Hello World!");

4: }

5: }


The number before each line is part of the listing and not part of the

program; the numbers are there so I can refer to specific line numbers

when I explain what's going on in the program. Do not include them

in your own file.

After you've finished typing in the program, save the file somewhere on your
disk with the name

HelloWorld.java. This is very important. Java source files must have the same
name as the class

they define (including the same upper- and lowercase letters), and they must
have the extension .java.

Here, the class definition has the name HelloWorld, so the filename must be
HelloWorld.java. If

you name your file something else (even something like helloworld.java or

Helloworld.java), you won't be able to compile it. Make absolutely certain the
name isHelloWorld.java.

You can save your Java files anywhere you like on your disk, but I like to have
a central directory or

folder to keep them all in. For the examples in this chapter, I've put my files
into a directory called

TYJtests (short for Teach Yourself Java Tests).

Compiling and Running the Source File

Now it's time to compile the file. If you're using the JDK, you can use the
instructions for your computer

system contained in the next few pages. If you're using a graphical development
environment, there will

most likely be a button or option to compile the file (check with the
documentation that came with your



To compile the Java source file, you'll use the command-line Java

compiler that comes with the JDK. To run the compiler, you'll need to

first start up a DOS shell. In Windows 95, the DOS shell is under the

Programs menu (it's called MS-DOS Prompt).

From inside DOS, change directories to the l

ocation where you've saved your HelloWorld.java file.

I put mine into the directory TYJtests, so to change directories I'd use this

CD C:\TYJtests

Once you've changed to the right directory, use the javac command as follows,
with the name of the

file as you saved it in Windows (javac stands for Java compiler). Note that you
have to make sure you

type all the same upper- and lowercase here as well:

javac HelloWorld.java


The reason that I've emphasized using the original filename is that

once you're inside the DOS shell, you might notice that your nice

long filenames have been truncated to old-style 8.3 names and that, in

fact, HelloWorld.java actually shows up as HELLOW~1.jav.

Don't panic; this is simply a side effect of Windows 95 and how it

manages long filenames. Ignore the fact that the file appears to be

HELLOW~1.jav and just use the filename you originally used when you saved the

Figure 1.4 shows what I've done in the DOS shell so you can make sure you're
following along.

Figure 1.4 : Compiling Java in the DOS shell.

If all goes well, you'll end up with a file called HelloWorld.class (or at least
that's what it'll be

called if you look at it outside the DOS shell; from inside DOS its called
HELLOW~1.cla). That's your

Java bytecode file. If you get any errors, go back to your original source file
and make sure you typed it

exactly as it appears in Listing 1.1 with the same upper- and lowercase. Also
make sure the filename has

exactly the same upper- and lowercase as the name of the class (that is, both
should be HelloWorld).

Once you have a class file, you can run that file using the Java bytecode
interpreter. The Java interpreter

is called simply java, and you run it from the DOS shell as you did javac. Run
your Hello World

program like this from the command line, with all the same upper- and lowercase
(and note that the

argument to the java program does not have a .class extension):

java HelloWorld

If your program was typed and compiled correctly, you should get the phrase
Hello World! printed

to your screen as a response. Figure 1.5 shows how I did it.

Figure 1.5 : Running Java applications in the DOS shell.


Remember, the Java compiler and the Java interpreter are different

things. You use the Java compiler (javac) for your Java source files

to create .class files, and you use the Java interpreter (java) to

actually run your class files.


The JDK for the Mac comes with an application called Java

Compiler. To compile your Java source file, simply drag and drop it

on top of the Java Compiler icon. The program will compile your

Java file and, if there are no errors, create a file called

HelloWorld.class in the same folder as your original source



Putting an alias for Java Compiler on the desktop makes it easy to

drag and drop Java source files.

If you get any errors, go back to your original source file and make sure you
typed it exactly as it appears

in Listing 1.1, with the same upper- and lowercase. Also make sure the filename
has exactly the same

upper- and lowercase as the name of the class (that is, both should be

Once you've successfully generated a HelloWorld.class file, simply double-click
it to run it. The

application Java Runner, part of the Mac JDK, will start, and the program will
ask you for command-line

arguments. Leave that screen blank and click OK. A window labeled stdout will
appear with the

message Hello World!. Figure 1.6 shows that window.

Figure 1.6 : Running Java applications on the Mac using Java Runner.

That's it! Keep in mind as you work that you use the Java Compiler application
to compile your .java

files into .class files, which you can then run using Java Runner.

To compile the Java source file in Solaris, you'll use the command-line Java
compiler that comes with the

JDK. From a UNIX command line, cd to the directory that contains your Java
source file. I put mine in

the directory TYJtests, so to change directories I'd use this command:

cd ~/TYJtests

Once you're in the right directory, use the javac command with the name of the
file, like this:

javac HelloWorld.java

If all goes well, you'll end up with a file called HelloWorld.class in the same
directory as your

source file. That's your Java bytecode file. If you get any errors, go back to
your original source file and

make sure you typed it exactly as it appears in Listing 1.1, with the same
upper- and lowercase letters.

Also make sure the filename has exactly the same upper- and lowercase letters as
the name of the class

(that is, both should be HelloWorld).

Once you have a class file, you can run that file using the Java bytecode
interpreter. The Java interpreter

is called simply java, and you run it from the command line as you did javac,
like this (and note that

the argument to the java program does not have a .class extension):

java HelloWorld

If your program was typed and compiled correctly, you should get the phrase
Hello World! printed

to your screen as a response. Figure 1.7 shows a listing of all the commands I
used to get to this point

(the part with [desire]~[1] is my system prompt).

Figure 1.7 : Compiling and running a Java application on Solaris.


Remember that the Java compiler and the Java interpreter are

different things. You use the Java compiler (javac) for your Java

source files to create .class files, and you use the Java interpreter

(java) to actually run your class files.

Creating a Java Applet

Creating applets is different from creating a simple application. Java applets
run and are displayed inside

a Web page with other page elements, and therefore have special rules for how
they behave. Because of

these special rules for applets, creating an applet may in many cases be more
complex than creating an


For example, to create a simple Hello World applet, instead of merely being able
to print a message as a

set of characters, you have to make space for your message on the Web pages and
then use special font

and graphics operations to paint the message to the screen.


Actually, you can run a plain Java application as an applet, but the

Hello World message will print to a special window or to a log

file, depending on how the browser has its output set up. You'll learn

more about this next week.

Creating the Source File

In this example, you'll create a simple Hello World applet, place it inside a
Web page, and view the

result. As with the Hello World application, you'll first create the source file
in a plain text editor. Listing

1.2 shows the code for the example.

Listing 1.2. The Hello World applet.

1: import java.awt.Graphics;


3: public class HelloWorldApplet extends java.applet.Applet {


5: public void paint(Graphics g) {

6: g.drawString("Hello world!", 5, 25);

7: }


Save that file just as you did the Hello World application, with the filename
exactly the same as the name

of the class. In this case the class name is HelloWorldApplet, so the filename
you save it to would

be HelloWorldApplet.java. As with the application, I put the file in a directory
called TYJch01,

but you can save it anywhere you like.

Compiling the Source File

The next step is to compile the Java applet file. Despite the fact that this is
an applet, you compile the file

exactly the same way you did the Java application, using one of the following

javac HelloWorldApplet.java

javac HelloWorldApplet.java


From inside a DOS shell, cd to the directory containing your applet

source file, and use the javac command to compile it (watch those

upper- and lowercase letters):


Drag and drop the HelloWorldApplet.java file onto the Java

Compiler icon.


From a command line, cd to the directory containing your applet

source file and use the javac command to compile it:

Including the Applet in a Web Page

If you've typed the file correctly, you should end up with a file called
HelloWorldApplet.class in

the same directory as your source file. That's your Java applet file; to have
the applet run inside a Web

page you must refer to that class file inside the HTML code for that page using
the <APPLET> tag.

Listing 1.3 shows a simple HTML file you can use.

Listing 1.3. The HTML with the applet in it.

1: <HTML>

2: <HEAD>

3: <TITLE>Hello to Everyone!</TITLE>

4: </HEAD><BODY>

5: <P>My Java applet says:

6: <APPLET CODE="HelloWorldApplet.class" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=25>

7: </APPLET>

8: </BODY>

9: </HTML>

You'll learn more about <APPLET> later in this book, but here are two things to
note about it:

Use the CODE attribute to indicate the name of the class that contains your
applet, here


Use the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes to indicate the size of the applet on the
page. The browser

uses these values to know how big a chunk of space to leave for the applet on
the page. Here, a

box 150 pixels wide and 25 pixels high is created.

Save the HTML file in the same directory as your class file, with a descriptive
name and an .html

extension (for example, you might name your HTML file the same name as your



As mentioned earlier with the Java source files, your text editor may

insist on naming your HTML files with a .txt extension if Windows

does not understand what the .html extension is used for. Select

View|Options|File Types from any Windows Explorer window to add

a new file type for HTML files to solve this problem.

Now you're ready for the final test-actually viewing the result of running your
applet. To view the applet,

you need one of the following:

A browser that supports Java applets, such as Netscape 2.0 or Internet Explorer
3.0. If you're

running on the Macintosh, you'll need Netscape 3.0 or later. If you're running
on Windows 95 or

NT, you'll need the 32-bit version of Netscape. And if you're using Internet
Explorer, you'll need

the 3.0 beta 5 or later (the final version will do just fine).

The appletviewer application, which is part of the JDK. The appletviewer is not
a Web

browser and won't let you to see the entire Web page, but it's acceptable for
testing to see how an

applet will look and behave if there is nothing else available.

An applet viewer or runner tool that comes with your development environment.

If you're using a Java-enabled browser such as Netscape to view your applet
files, you can use the Open

File... item under the File menu to navigate to the HTML file containing the
applet (make sure you open

the HTML file and not the class file). In Internet Explorer, select File|Open
and then Browse to find the

file on your disk. You don't need to install anything on a Web server yet; all
this works on your local

system. Note that the Java applet may take a while to start up after the page
appears to be done loading;

be patient. Figure 1.8 shows the result of running the applet in Netscape.

Figure 1.8 : The applet running in Netscape.

If you don't have a Web browser with Java capabilities built into it, you can
use the JDK's

appletviewer program to view your Java applet.

appletviewer HTML/HelloWorldApplet.html

Windows or Solaris

To run the appletviewer in Windows or Solaris versions of the JDK, cd to the
directory where your HTML and class files are contained and use the appletviewer
command with the name ofthe HTML file you just created:

The appletviewer will show you only the applet itself, not the HTML text around
the applet.

Although the appletviewer is a good way to do simple tests of Java applets, it's
a better idea to get a

Java-enabled browser so that you can see your applet on its page in its full


If you've run into any problems with the previous examples, this section can
help. Here are some of the

most common problems and how to fix them:

Bad command or filename or Command not found

These errors result when you do not have the JDK's bin directory in your
execution path, or the

path to that directory is wrong. On Windows, double-check your autoexec.bat
file; on UNIX,

check the system file with your path commands in it (.cshrc, .login, .profile,
or some

similar file).

javac: invalid argument

Make sure the name of the file you're giving to the javac command is exactly the
same name as

the file. In particular, in the DOS shell you want to use the Windows filename
with a .java

extension, not the DOS equivalent (HELLOW~1.jav, for example).

Warning: public class HelloWorldApplet must be defined in a file

called HelloWorldApplet.java

This error most often happens if there is a mismatch between the name of the
class as defined in

the Java file itself (the name following the word class) and the name of the
java source file. Both

the filenames must match, including upper- and lowercase letters (this
particular error implies that

the filename had lowercase letters). Rename either the filename or the class
name, and this error

will go away.

Insufficient-memory errors

The JDK is not the most efficient user of memory. If you're getting errors about
memory, consider

closing larger programs before running Java compiles, turn on virtual memory, or
install more RAM.

Other code errors

If you're unable to compile the Java source files because of other errors I
haven't mentioned here,

be sure that you've typed them in exactly as they appear, including all upper-
and lowercase letters.

Java is case sensitive, meaning that upper- and lowercase letters are treated
differently, so you will

need to make sure that everything is capitalized correctly. If all else fails,
try comparing your

source files to the files on the CD-ROM.


Today you've gotten a basic introduction to the Java language and its goals and
features. Java is a

programming language, similar to C or C++, in which you can develop a wide range
of programs. The

most common use of Java at the moment is in creating applets for HotJava, an
advanced World Wide

Web browser also written in Java. Applets are Java programs that are downloaded
and run as part of a

Web page. Applets can create animation, games, interactive programs, and other
multimedia effects on

Web pages.

Java's strengths lie in its portability-both at the source and at the binary
level, in its object-oriented

design-and in its simplicity. Each of these features helps make applets
possible, but they also make Java

an excellent language for writing more general-purpose programs that do not
require a Java-enabled

browser to run. These general-purpose Java programs are called applications.

To end this day, you experimented with an example of an applet and an example of
an application,

getting a feel for the differences between the two and how to create, compile,
and run Java programs-or,

in the case of applets, how to include them in Web pages. From here, you now
have the foundation to

create more complex applications and applets. Onward to Day 2, "Object-Oriented
Programming and



Q: I know a lot about HTML, but not much about computer programming. Can I still

Java programs?

A: If you have no programming experience whatsoever, you most likely will find

Java significantly more difficult than HTML. However, Java is an excellent
language to learn

programming with, and if you patiently work through the examples and the
exercises in this

book, you should be able to learn enough to get started with Java.

Q: What's the relationship between JavaScript and Java?

A: They have the same first four letters.

A common misconception in the Web world today is that Java and JavaScript have
more in

common than they actually do. Java is the general-purpose programming language
that you'll

learn about in this book; you use it to create applets. JavaScript is a
Netscape-invented scripting

language that looks sort of like Java; with it you can do various nifty things
in Web pages. They

are independent languages, used for different purposes. If you're interested in

programming, you'll want to pick up another book, such as Teach Yourself
JavaScript in a Week

or Laura Lemay's Web Workshop: JavaScript, both also available from Sams.net

Q: According to today's lesson, Java applets are downloaded via a Java-enabled
browser such

as Netscape and run on the reader's system. Isn't that an enormous security
hole? What

stops someone from writing an applet that compromises the security of my

worse, that damages my system?

A: Sun's Java team has thought a great deal about the security of applets within

browsers and has implemented several checks to make sure applets cannot do nasty

Java applets cannot read or write to the disk on the local system.

Java applets cannot execute any programs on the local system.

Java applets cannot connect to any machines on the Web except for the server
from which

they are originally downloaded.

Note that some of these restrictions may be allowed in some browsers or may be
turned on in the

browser configuration. However, you cannot expect any of these capabilities to
be available.

In addition, the Java compiler and interpreter check both the Java source code
and the Java

bytecodes to make sure that the Java programmer has not tried any sneaky tricks
(for example,

overrunning buffers or stack frames).

These checks obviously cannot stop every potential security hole (no system can
promise that!),

but they can significantly reduce the potential for hostile applets. You'll
learn more about

security issues for applets on Day 8, "Java Applet Basics," and in greater
detail on Day 21,

"Under the Hood."

Q: I followed all the directions you gave for creating a Java applet. I loaded
it into HotJava,but Hello World didn't show up. What did I do wrong?

A: Don't use HotJava to view applets you've created in this book; get a more
up-to-date browsersuch as Netscape or Internet Explorer. HotJava was an
experimental browser and has not beenupdated since soon after its original
release. The steps you take to define and write an applethave changed since
then, and the applets you write now will not run on HotJava.

Q: You've mentioned Solaris, Windows, and Macintosh in this chapter. What about
otheroperating systems?

A: If you use a flavor of UNIX other than Solaris, chances are good that the JDK
has been ported to your system. Here are some examples:

SGI's version of the JDK can be found at


Information about Java for Linux can be found at


IBM has ported the JDK to OS/2 and AIX. Find out more from


OSF is porting the JDK to HP/UX, Unixware, Sony NEWS, and Digital UNIX. See


(Thanks to Elliote Rusty Harold's Java FAQ at
http://www.sunsite.unc.edu/javafaq/javafaq/html for this information.)

Q: Why doesn't Java run on Windows 3.1?

A: Technical limitations in Windows 3.1 make porting Java to Windows 3.1
particularly difficult.Rumor has it that both IBM and Microsoft are working on
ports, but no real information is forthcoming.

Q: I'm using Notepad on Windows to edit my Java files. The program insists on
adding a.txt extension to all my files, regardless of what I name them (so I
always end up with files like HelloWorld.java.txt). Short of renaming them
before I compile them, what else can I do to fix this?

A: Although you can rename the files just before you compile them, that can get
to be a pain, particularly when you have a lot of files. The problem here is
that Windows doesn't understand the .java extension (you may also have this
problem with HTML's .html extension as well). To fix this, go into any Windows
Explorer window and select View|Options|File Types. Fromthat panel, select New
Type. Enter Java Source Files in the Description of Type box and .java into the
Associated Extension box. Then click OK. Do the same with HTML files if you need
to, and click OK again. You should now be able to use Notepad (or any other text
editor) to create and save Java and HTML files.

Q: Where can I learn more about Java and find applets and applications to play

A: You can read the rest of this book! Here are some other places to look for
Java information and Java applets:

The Java home page at http://www.java.sun.com/ is the official source for Java
information, including information about the JDK, about the upcoming 1.1
release, and about developer tools such as the Java Workshop, as well as
extensive documentation.

Gamelan, at http://www.gamelan.com/, is a repository of applets and Java

information, organized into categories. If you want to play with applets or
applications, this is the place to look.

For Java discussion, check out the comp.lang.java newsgroups, including

comp.lang.java.programmer, comp.lang.java.tech,

comp.lang.java.advocacy, and so on. (You'll need a Usenet newsreader to access


1 comment:

anna harris said...

Awesome… from this java development tutorial, new developer easily understands the program and implement the code.